PSA Basketball Winter Playoffs Information

PSA Basketball Winter Post Season Tournament, Trophies, and Medals

**Brackets are found on the website, under basketball page and winter playoff information.
Schedules will NOT be posted in your DaySmart team page.

TROPHIES:  All Kinder through 2nd grade teams will receive participation trophies. 
PLAYOFFS:  All teams in 3rd grade and above, girls and boys, automatically qualify for post season tournament. Tournament begins the first Tuesday after regular season ends, runs almost 2 full weeks. Games are played during the week as well as weekends.

If you know your team will not be participating in the playoffs, let your sport manager know as soon as possible.  Please do not wait until the scheduler is working on the schedule to let us know.  All teams will be scheduled for the playoffs unless we hear from the coach.
CONFLICTS:  Individual Team conflicts cannot be accepted for the playoffs.
Please make sure your win loss record is correct including your standings.  If you have scores not entered or not correct, please e-mail so we can enter scores or make corrections as needed.  Also send your league coordinator and your correct standings, if they are wrong, as they will need them for the team seeding.  For the remainder of the regular season and for the playoffs, please check the score sheets on the table at your game to make sure the scores are written down correctly.  That would help ensure we get the scores recorded correctly.

Your divisions may not stay the same as it is now.  Some teams will be moved up and some down. The number of teams in your division could change. Also the total number of divisions in your grade may change. We create brackets to create the best possible competition, there will be changes.


  3rd & 4th grade could play at 6, 7 or 8pm.
    * Postseason playoff game schedule will be posted online at, click on the basketball icon at the top, scroll to tournaments then click on winter rec playoff information.  It will not be in your DaySmart account.  Please let your parents know where to find the schedule                                                  
    * All games will be played at PSA1 and PSA2, PSA McKinney or PSA Murphy. This is a two game guarantee tournament.
    * The number and size of the playoff brackets will be determined by the sports managers and basketball board. It is based upon regular season records.
Tiebreakers in the season Standings:
·         1st   tiebreaker: Head to head competition (only if just 2 teams)
·         2nd tiebreaker:  head to head point differential (only if just 2 teams)
If there are a 3 way tie then head to head and point differential will determine the tiebreaker.

    * 1st, 2nd, and some 3rd place trophies (teams with 7 or more in division). will be given out for 3rd-6th grade. 1st and 2nd for 7th and up.
    * Awards will be available for teams to pick up at the front desk at PSA1 & PSA2, PSA McKinney and PSA Murphy,
Trophies will be at the location of your last played playoff game.

Questions: e-mail your sports mamanger .



2023 - 2024 Rec Winter Playoff Brackets 8th Grade & Up
2023 - 2024 Rec Winter Playoffs 5th - 7th Grade
2023 - 2024 Rec Winter Playoffs 3rd and 4th Grade

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