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Great Information for our McKinney Area PSA Family!
PSA McKinney is located at 7205 Eldorado Pkwy, McKinney TX 75070 and offers 8 dual purpose courts and an indoor arena! 

What does this mean for our PSA McKinney families? The location of this building certainly offers a more convenient location for practices, games, skills academies, camps, and other PSA activities and events. We listed answers to some frequently asked questions below that you might have. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact one of our friendly Front Desk Staff Members at 972/208-5437 or email Karen Weinert, Soccer Director, 
Frequently Asked Questions for PSA McKinney:
1. What sports/activities are being offered at PSA McKinney?
We are offering Basketball, Soccer and Volleyball leagues along with Basketball Skills Classes and Soccer Skills Classes. Information can be found on your MySAM registration page or on our website under Basketball, Soccer or Volleyball tabs.
2. How do I register my child for a sport or activity?
If your family doesn’t currently have a MySAM account, you’ll need to create one first.  Instructions have been included at the bottom of the FAQs. If your family already has a MySAM, you’ll log in and follow the registration process. You may also register in person at PSA McKinney, 7205 Eldorado Pkwy, McKinney TX 75070. Our Registration Desk hours are Monday through Friday- 3pm to 8pm, Saturday-8am to 10pm and Sunday-1pm to 8pm.
3. Can I be assured if I register my child as an Individual Registration, they will play near McKinney?
Pre K 3 and 4/5 McKinney players will play their games indoors at PSA McKinney. We will have open registration for Kindergarten - 1st  grade leagues and hope to form McKinney teams that will play outside at PSA McKinney.
4. What ages will play indoor soccer at PSA McKinney?
We will have open registration for Pre K - 5th grade and hope to form leagues for these age groups.


5. How are teams formed?
Teams are formed by neighborhood schools and zip codes.  Once the teams are formed, parents are contacted to volunteer as coaches.
6. As a coach, how do I register a team?
Easy! Follow our instructions included in the links below. You will also be able to “invite” players to your team electronically.
7.  As a coach, do I have to have a full team to register?
No, we will fill in any open spots through our Individual Registrations. Don’t forget to check with your child’s friends from school, Scouts, church, etc.
8. As a coach, what do I need to do after I register my team?
You will need to complete a Coaches Application which includes a background check. Click here to access the coaches application.
9. Can I rent additional indoor field times for practice?
Field rentals at PSA McKinney, as with our other facilities, are based on availability. Contact our Front Desk at 972/208-5437 for reservations.
10. Will you have adult sports at PSA McKinney?
We will have adult sports at PSA McKinney.
11. Will PSA McKinney have food concessions?
PSA McKinney will have a full service food court. Yum!
12. Will PSA McKinney have a uniform shop?
PSA McKinney will not have a uniform shop.  Teams can place uniform orders through The Shop at PSA, located at PSA 1, 6500 Preston Meadow Drive, Plano 75024, and have the convenience of picking up the completed orders at PSA McKinney.
13. Will PSA McKinney have camps?
Yes! We will have Winter Break, Spring Break and Summer Camps at PSA McKinney. 


Should you need any assistance, please contact us at 972/208-5437 or email
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