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Winter League Information


           WINTER BASKETBALL 2024-25


  Registration Closed.

The PSA Basketball Program is the largest basketball program in the Metroplex, with over 20,000 kids participating in our leagues each year.  We offer players programs for every level of basketball from recreational to competitive in grades Kindergarten to 12th.  Along with our league play, we offer School Ball Try-out Prep Program, Skills Academies, Clinics, Camps, 3 on 3 and regular Tournaments throughout the year.  PSA also offers Adult Basketball Leagues for men and women, in addition to our Youth Leagues, making us your one stop shopping for basketball.  PSA is worth the drive!  More Leagues with better competition, we have teams from all over the metroplex.  More places to practice, PSA Plano Area, PSA Murphy & PSA McKinney has 38 courts, gym space in PISD (Plano) and FISD (Frisco and Frisco/McKinney border).  All games are in our facilities and we use schools as well as our facilities for practices.


DaySmart/DASH/ Registration Process:

Click Here!!!



The recreational league will be run separate from the select league with different rules and practices.

The recreational league fits with the historical PSA view of recreational sports being the core of PSA.




  • Team and Individual Registration for Boys and Girls Leagues in K-12th Grade,
  • Games played: Fridays 6-9pm, Saturdays 8am-9pm, Sundays 10am - 8pm. 
  • Teams generally play one game per weekend, but could be on any one of these days and times. All games are played on a full basketball court at one of our 4 facilities.
  • Kindergarten through 2nd grade play 8 games and get 8 practices and all players receive Participation Trophies at the conclusion of the season.
  • 3rd grade and above teams will receive 8 practices and play 8 regular season games plus a 2 game guarantee post season tournament. All teams make the end of the season tournament. Awards will be given to teams who place 1st or 2nd in their bracket. No conflict submission for playoffs.
  • Individual Registration:  Individual registration fees include a half court practice. Individuals may not make any practice requests. Coaches make requests for day, time and location of practices.  Coaches requests are unknown when teams are formed therefore it is not possible to match up individuals with teams based on practices.
  • Uniforms are not included in the registration fee.
  • Returning Team Players should contact their coach before registering.This will prevent paying the wrong amount or duplicate payments.
  • Individuals requesting a particular division will not be granted due to the space available on teams.  When all existing teams are full then new teams are formed.
  • Individual players may only play on one team per grade (McKinney, Murphy, Plano). They may play in the grade they are currently in and up a grade, but not on two teams in the same grade.  Does not matter if the teams are in different divisions or locations.
  • A team is full if they have 10 players paid or the team fee is paid in full. Your team will be an “open” team when your roster is under 10 players with a balance for individual players with no team, will be allowed to join your team. When your team is paid in full it will be “closed”. We will try to fill all rosters to 10 players when players are available.  We cannot guarantee to have players available. A team with more than 10 players on a roster will need Director approval and will pay the individual registration fee.
  • Only 1/2 court practice slots will be availiable for all grades.







Winter Timeline


Registration Opens

Sept 24

Registration Closes


Nov 7




Roster Lock Date

Jan 8 - 2025

Coaches Meetings

All locations


Nov 19th - Prosper (PYSA) Coaches Mtg 7pm- Prosper only teams

zoom link:


Nov 21st  -  Returning Coaches Meeting; 7pm

zoom link:


Nov 21st -  New Coaches Meeting; 8pm

zoom link:


Practice Begins

Dec 2  (practice schedules released 11/25)

Season Begins


Dec 6 - (game schedules released 11/29)

No Practice due to Holidays

Dec 16 - Jan 5, 2025


Practice Resumes

Jan 6, 2025

Regular Season Ends

Feb 16

K-2nd grade teams will receive participation trophies

Post Season Tournament Dates

(3rd Grade and up)

Feb 18 - Mar 2, 2025

All teams (3rd & Up) advance to tournament.

2 game guarentee for playoffs

Awards for 1st/2nd place teams from tournament

No conflicts submissions accepted.

Winter Fees

Click Here For PYSA:

Prosper (PYSA) Basketball Information 




Fees: Winter 2024-25

Fees are based off roster of 10 players- all players must pay the individual registration fee.

Individual Registration Fee: $160

Practice Team Fee:$1,600

No Practice Team Fee: $1,400

Total team fees are due in full by close of registration on 11/7.

(Teams will not be scheduled a practice if there is a team balance).


Breakdown of Player fee for a practice team:

Team of 7 players $229

Team of 8 players $200

Team of 9 Players $178

Team of 10 Players $160

{Teams requesting more than 10 players will need Director approval and will be accessed an additional $160 per player}

PSA will add players to any roster if available with coaches request, cost per player for roster of 10 is $160 per player which includes a weekly practice.

No Practice Teams

Teams that register for no practice do not have a practice assigned or players added by PSA. All no practice teams are responsible for paying the full team fee of $1,400 for a roster of 10 players. Additional $140 per player for teams wanting more than 10 players.


½ Court Practice Teams

Teams that choose ½ court practice option will be given ½ of a basketball court for practice.

Practice fee is $1600 (roster of 10) additional $160 per player


Full Court Practice Teams- (not availiable for Winter 2024-25)

Teams that choose the full court option will be given a full basketball court for practice. *No Full Court Practice option for K-4th grade teams.


Requesting Practice Times

Coaches put their requests for day, time and location into our coaches tool and are assigned practices through our automated practice tool.  Generally our youngest teams practice at our earliest times.  We start assigning teams at 6pm and the last practices start at 9pm.  Teams that want to practice earlier than 6pm usually get their request no matter what their grade. Practice schedule will be posted Nov.21 (tentative) 


  • Teams Choices for Practices

o   Any of PSA’s 4 Facilities:  PSA 1, PSA 2, PSA Murphy, PSA McKinney



  • Days and Times for Practices

o   PSA Facilities:  Monday through Thursday 4 – 9pm start times 

o   Fridays at PSA Facilities only 3:30pm or 4:30pm (No 5pm Practice slots available for Winter)


Filling Rosters

PSA does add players to the teams that are practicing with us as needed.  We fill teams up to 10 only, unless we receive a special request by a coach for more.  If teams pay the full team fee we do not add to their teams.  All teams must be paid in full or ask PSA to fill the team prior to close of registration in order to be put on the game schedule.  Teams that do not want PSA to add players are responsible for the total team fee.

When registration is over, all unpaid players will be removed from teams that we are adding players to, before adding the new players to the team.  No players may be unpaid on a team unless the team fee is paid in full by the coach.


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