Important dates
Team and Individual Registration
$890 per team
$89 / player
- Monday Over-30 Men's League - PLANO - PSA McKinney
- Wednesday 18+ Coed League - PLANO - PSA 2
Registration Opens |
Dec 16th
Registration Closes |
Jan 24
Schedule to be published |
Jan 31 - No conflicts Taken
Season Begins (MON/TUES/WED)
Week of Feb 3rd
Season Ends |
Beginning of April
All teams must be paid to be on the schedule!
- Individuals will be placed onto a current team (when possible). Once 10 players sign up a team will usually be created.
- Rosters may have as many players as you would like.
- 8 Games Per Season
- 6v6
- 2 halves, 20 minutes each
- Season includes playoffs for top 4 teams unless league exceeds 10 teams-You might play another night for one of your playoff games
- Games are generally played between 7:30PM-10:30PM (March, April and May), then 9:00PM-11:15PM (June-July), 8pm-10:15pm(August-November)
- Players will be required to purchase an ID Card--$10.00 per card good for 1 year
- Flat team fee $890
- If you need players for your team, let us know!
- For over-30 leagues, three (3) players per team will be allowed to participate who are age 26 or older
For more information, please send email to