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Coaches Information


 Game Times:


  • Pre K Soccer:  Game times for Pre K Soccer are Saturdays (8am-5pm start times) and Sundays (1pm-5pm start times).
  • Kindergarten & 1st Grade:  Games times for Kindergarten and 1st Grade are Saturdays (8am-5pm start times) and Sunday (1pm-5pm start times).
  • 2nd Grade:  Game times are Saturdays (8am-5pm start times), Sundays (1pm-5pm start times), and weeknights (Tues/Wed/Thur - 6pm and 7:05pm start times).  Fields are assigned by the city based on the number of players/teams in the league.  They assume that we have 2 games a night during the week and assign fields accordingly. We are given just enough slots to play our games.  We try to minimize the 7:05 slots during the school year by playing more weekend games.
  • 3rd - 8th Grade:  Game times are Saturdays (8am-8pm start times), Sundays (1pm-5pm start times), and weeknights (Tues/Wed/Thur - 6pm and 7:30pm start times).  Fields are assigned by the City of Plano based on the number of players/teams in the league.  They assume that we have 2 games a night during the week and assign fields accordingly.  We are given just enough slots to play our games.  We try to minimize the weeknight slots during the school year by playing more weekend games.

The spring season begins mid-February with an anticipated season end date near the end of April.  The fall season begins on the Saturday following Labor Day weekend and ends mid-November.  This is subject to change based on the amount of rain throughout the season.



  • Practices are organized by the coaches.  PSA does not track a team's practice time and/or location.  Once assigned a team, PSA cannot change a player's team assignment due to practice day/time conflicts.  Please work with your coach to come up with a solution that best meets everyone's needs.  Interested in reserving a City field? Read below to find out how.
  • Drop-in Soccer Practice Areas

    Established at Park Sites

    A pilot program establishing drop-in soccer practice areas is underway at the City of Plano’s athletic-oriented park sites.

    Neighborhood park sites, open spaces at local elementary schools and the City’s general public reservation system are being supplemented by the new drop-in practice areas. Drop-in practice areas may be accessed on a first-come, first-serve basis at the following athletic-oriented community park sites:

                    --Archgate Park

                    --Carpenter Park

                    --Cheyenne Park

                    --Heritage Yards at Plano

                    --Hoblitzelle Park

                    --Jack Carter Park

                    --Preston Meadow Park

                    --Russell Creek Park

    The drop-in practice program is seasonal and becomes available when the spring sports season begins. The areas will close for turf recovery when the spring sports season ends in May. Although intended for drop-in soccer practices, the areas can also be accessed by any team sport and age group. There are a few guidelines for use of the areas that will serve as evaluation criteria to determine if the pilot program continues in the 2013 fall sports season. These guidelines are:

    --Teams should be respectful of the adjacent neighborhoods in regard to parking, noise and litter.

    --Teams desiring drop-in, zero fee practice accommodation should refrain from accessing the scheduled-use athletic fields. Scheduled-use fields exist for fee-based games and practices, and are rested a minimum of two days each week.

    --Drop-in practice locations are closed when the adjacent athletic fields are closed due to rain or wet conditions.

    --Teams should be respectful of scheduled games and practices on adjacent areas. Disruption of scheduled athletic field use due to the activities of drop-in teams may result in closure of the problem locations, or suspension of the drop-in program.

    --Drop-in practice locations are “as is” and not intended to replicate athletic fields. Use of paint, chalk or other marking means is not allowed.

    --Drop-in practice areas are not to be used for games, scrimmages, camps, clinics, private instruction, etc. The areas are intended to provide service for team practices.

    Questions regarding the drop-in practice program should be directed to Terrance Wright, assistant athletic superintendent, at 972-941-7277 or by e-mail sent to

     Team Assignments:


  • When registering your child, please list your players' school.  For preschool players, list the school that they will attend for Kindergarten, as we use the school/zip code when considering team placement.  This is easier for the younger groups, but as teams get older and come in pre-formed, it may be difficult to be placed with players from the same neighborhood.  We do the best we can based on available slots.

     Schedule Conflicts:

 Coaches, please submit a schedule conflict form if there are specific dates you cannot play.  We cannot guarantee requests.  Please list only those dates that would stop you from fielding a team, and therefore, would result in a forfeit.

What constitutes a Schedule Conflict:

  • Insufficient number of players to field a team which would result in a forfeit 
  • Religious holiday(s) 
  • School functions involving majority of team

 What DOES NOT constitute a Schedule Conflict:


  • Your 'best' player(s) will not be at the game
  • Your head coach cannot be at the game.  Any available assistant coaches can assist for the day.
  •  The more conflicts you list, the less likely you are to get have all your requests granted and the more unbalanced your schedule will be.  We have a limited number of available game slots resulting in limited schedule change requests.  We cannot schedule around an individual player's other sports. We will make sure that if a coach has 2 or more baseball teams that their initial schedule will not contain conflicts, but if we get a lot of rain and have a lot of make-ups, we cannot guarantee that there will not be conflicts.
  • Once the schedule is published, we do not re-schedule any games other than for PISD events. A single schedule change affects 26 families.


 Team Size/Team Make-Up:

  • Our goal is to make sure that every child that wants to play Soccer has a team. Teams must have a minimum number of players.  Teams with fewer than the minimum will be filled from open registration. If you wish to carry fewer than the minimum number of players, the team will be required to pay for the extra slot(s) before registration closes.  Once registration closes, if that slot(s) is not paid for, we will assign a player to your team.  

Uniform Information


  • The following player equipment items has been deemed MANDATORY for ALL players:
  • Shoes: Players must wear shoes (tennis shoes, molded rubber cleats, or other soccer appropriate shoes) NO METAL CLEATS ARE ALLOWED.
  • Shinguards: Players must wear age appropriate shinguards that provide a reasonable amount of protection. The shin guard shall be securely attached around the player’s shin and shall be covered by the player’s socks. Note: For safety reasons, the players’ shinguards must be covered by the player’s socks.

  • Players may not participate in games with any sort of a cast. There are no exceptions. The Referees are instructed NOT to allow any player play in any game with any sort of a cast or hard splint.
  • Jewelry, watches, and earrings are not allowed to be worn during the game. Any item of adornment (strings bracelets, friendship bracelets) shall be considered “jewelry”.

  • All players shall wear matching color jerseys with a minimum four – inch permanent number on the back. Team names are optional. NOTICE: PSA suggests that player's names not be anywhere on their jersey.
  • The PSA recreational team uniforms can include PSA logo on the front upper chest of the jersey or on the sleeve;
  • All goalkeepers must wear a jersey that clearly distinguishes that player from all other players, as well as the referees on the field. Numbers are not required for goalkeepers.
  • Goalkeepers may wear gloves, but otherwise must follow all other equipment rules.
  • Color conflicts: The home team is required to change jerseys in case of any color conflict. Pennies and T-Shirts are acceptable. The referee has the final decision in this matter.
  • Inclement weather: During applicable weather conditions, additional garments may be worn under the team jersey and shorts.
  • The Referee is responsible for ensuring that all players comply with PSA mandatory player equipment. Players deemed to be ‘Not in Compliance’ will not be allowed on the field of play until that player is in compliance with PSA policy. That player shall report to the nearest Referee for confirmation.









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